We Specialise in Employment Law Cases and Mediation!
The most significant relationship corporations and individuals will probably ever have is the work relationship. Since workplace relationship affects virtually everyone, it has increasingly become a complex part of our lives and a constant area of potential dispute. In addition to this, our work lives can contribute the bulk of our self esteem and is the most important aspect of the function of a corporation.

Chris McArdle – Employment & Industrial Law Specialist (For our full team CLICK HERE)
Employment Law for Individuals and Businesses
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Anti-discrimination Law
- Termination of Employment (unfair dismissal)
- Employment contract whereby work is performed
- Workplace bullying and harassment
- Workplace discrimination
These are all aspects of the workplace that can mean conflict, but the management of which will mean efficiency and harmony.
At McArdle Legal, we do commercial litigation, but our speciality is in employment and workplace law. We have set up this website to introduce ourselves, to assist discussion and hopefully to provide useful insights.
Call us today to make an appointment with one of our employment lawyers at our Sydney office.
Employment lawyers Sydney
To get more information on employment law, your rights and responsibilities in the workplace we recommend visiting Fair Work Australia website. Should you require legal representation, please don’t hesitate to call our office. Workplace lawyers at McArdle Legal can help employees as well as employers reach a desirable result in a timely manner.
Unfair dismissal lawyers
If you believe that you have been unfairly treated, discriminated against or your employment has been terminated unfairly, contact McArdle Legal to make a confidential appointment today.
Workplace discrimination and bullying
Any physically, mentally or socially threatening behaviour in the workplace can be classified as workplace bullying and can come from either the management or work colleagues. Bullying in the workplace can either be deliberate and in some cases it is inadvertent where a manager or another staff member is not aware that their actions constitute workplace bullying.
This Fair Work Ombudsman website also has a very informative article on workplace discrimination and workplace bullying and harassment. Should you feel that you’ve been discriminated, bullied or harassed at work please contact our Sydney office today.
Employment Contract
A legal binding between two parties is what’s commonly known as a contract. Employment contract is at a core of every workplace so make sure yours is appropriate to prevent any misunderstanding and conflict. We create employment contracts or check and if needed amend your existing contracts – call McArdle Legal office today.